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Bionty: Curate metadata using ontologies#

Access public & custom ontologies with auto-complete. Map synonyms with ease.

If you’d like to maintain in-house along with public ontologies, you can manage them with Bionty’s SQL interface: lnschema-bionty.

Out-of-the-box ontologies#

Check out versions.yaml for details.


Bionty is a Python package available for pyversions

pip install bionty

Look up ontology records with auto-complete#
import bionty as bt

gene = bt.Gene()

See Look up records of species, gene, protein, cell marker for more.

Curate metadata#

import pandas as pd

# Create an example Pandas DataFrame of various cell types.
df = pd.DataFrame(
        "placental epithelial cell",
        "This cell type does not exist",

# The DataFrame can either be curated by ontology ID (id="ontology_id")
# or by ontology term names (id="name").
curated_df = bt.CellType(id="name").curate(df)

# ✅ 2 terms (66.7%) are mapped.
# 🔶 1 terms (33.3%) are not mapped.

See Curate entity identifiers for more.

Track ontology sources#

# Display all managed versions

# Access to the Mondo ontology
disease = bt.Disease(database="mondo")

# Access to the Human Disease ontology
disease = bt.Disease(database="doid", version="2023-01-30")

Didn’t see your favorite source or version? See how to Extend Bionty.